2017 Initiation & Probate | Centennial Neophytes

17 Feb 2017 by Yaw Ofosu



As of now, all seems to be in order with IHQ and NCP for Friday. Since this is for Theta only, it is most appropriate for brothers of Theta to assist with set up and assume the roles within the ritual. There are a total of 13 speaking roles, which includes Polemarch, Vice Polemarch, KOR, Strategus and Lt. Strategus. Brother Thornton will be there and I need the names of all other brothers from you for the other roles. If you need the other roles, I can provide them also. I suggest that any brother assisting with the ceremony be there no later than 4pm to go over parts. To show up late and do cold reading is not good unless the brother has acting skills.

Brothers we need your support if you can make it. Please Reply as Soon as Possible.

Probate | Saturday Feb. 18, 2017

5:00 PM – Brothers only Fellowship at Julian Marshall and Gianni Cook’s home at 1928 Jackson Apt. 1B Evanston, IL 60201.

Libations are welcome.

If Brothers would like to bring bottles for Centennial or Archives we will collect them.

7:11 Probate @ The Rock at Northwestern

Brothers we will meet at the Black House ( 1914 Sheridan Road Evanston) no later than 6:45Pm to start the probate as close to its scheduled time as possible.

Please give me a call, text or email if you have any questions or concerns.

Julian Marshall
Loyola University Chicago ’17
B.S. Political Science

Director of Resources – The Black Tribune

Publisher Marshall Publications


500 E. 67th Street | Chicago, IL 60637

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